Society for Organizational Learning Philippines - Transforming the Philippines Through Learning Communities

SOL - Society for Organizational Learning Philippines

Past Events

SOL GLOBAL FORUM 19 - 21 May 2014

As we enter a period of mutation between two eras, we are focusing our attention on new paradigms and connecting transformation actors that are working toward a better world.
Who are the new players?
A number of social entrepreneurs, small to medium size companies, multinationals, communities, associations, schools and universities, either operating on their own and within networks. You may be yourself a new player and we invite to join these collaborative exchanges.
What are the new games ?
Some of these learning organizations have been able to successfully conduct their metamorphosis and meet new challenges by changing the rules of the game or the game itself. Let’s discover the new visions, new organization forms, new types of leadership and collaboration, and new priorities that drive these organizations’ daily interactions.
Let us find together practical ways to initiate these transformations and be bold enough to embark on the metamorphosis.

Click here for more details.